Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Rossini. The video has now received more than 206 likes, 4 comments and 4 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

Happy Saturday! Here is an easy breakfast idea that you can cook up this weekend to make mornings easier. Protein Chocolate Chip Pancake Muffins - a have a version of these on my cookbook! 😉 Comment “recipe” to have a DM sent with all the details. Have a great day!! ✌️ ——— ¡Feliz sabado! Aquí tienes una idea sencilla para el desayuno que puedes preparar este fin de semana para facilitar las mañanas. Muffins de panqueques con chispas de chocolate y proteínas: ¡tengo una versión de estos en mi libro de cocina! 😉 Comenta “receta” para que te envíen un DM con todos los detalles. ¡¡Qué tengas un lindo día!! ✌️ #tinatakeslunch #yumbox #bentobox #bentoboxlunch #lunchbox #kidslunch #kidslunchbox #lunchboxideas #packedlunch #schoollunch #schoollunches #kidslunches #instayum #bentolunch #momlife #kidslunchideas #instafood #kidsfood #poweryourlunchbox #bentoforkids #pancakesunday #pancakemix #chobani #proteinpacked #proteinpancakes #proteinfood #breakfastforkids
Duration: 23 sPosted : Sat, 13 Apr 2024 15:40:12Views
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