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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Sinemivuyo Mpulu. The video has now received more than 180 likes, 14 comments and 2 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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Want clients that pay? Here’s a simple technique that can guarantee you bank notifications. As always, I try and urge artists not to do voice work for money, but to honestly enjoy the craft. If you’re searching for paying clients but aren’t winning, here’s what you can do...If this doesn’t work.....I’ll give you R500.00 I call this the ‘Nudge 5 Pockets’ Technique. Instead of looking in the wrong places, search and look around you. Who within your circle of friends, colleagues, or family can you offer your services to? Do they have a business, an initiative, or an organization that you can lend your voice to? Find or Nudge Five people RN! Do just that...Once you find them send them through this email. Subject: - Exciting Voiceover Opportunity For Your Brand - Need a Voice for your Brand Identity? Email : I am reaching out to offer my broadcast quality services to help add an impact to your brand awareness on digital platforms. I offer voiceovers & (list other services ). Should you see me for any opportunities, kindly let me know. I have attached my audio clips/work for reference. The more you reach out, the more you get leads and the more you book paying jobs. All the best 🤩 Day 10/30 - Sine’s VO Tips #SineVOTips #Voiceactor #voiceovertips #voiceovergig #Freelancing
Sinemivuyo Mpulu
11 months ago
Make your first R 10K with your voice 👇🏾 If you’re here for the money, I might have to turn you back. The thing is, no one is just going to give you 10 K because you’re Sine from TikTok. You’ve got to earn it! And Here’s how you can start. On Day 2/30 I shared the importance of professionalising your services. Once you’ve got this on lock, your system of getting things done will be recognized as valuable, leaving you with more inquiries and possible clients. Here’s what you can do! 1️⃣ Create Urgency - When communicating with clients emphasize your availability and capacity to do the job. And when you do the job, ensure that it is delivered on time with the best quality. This keeps clients coming back for more. 2️⃣ Join Freelancing Platforms - For every dollar you make, you’re building onto something. Whether it’s a 20-dollar job or a $285 job, take it as your ground to practice for the big Jobs. One job can go so well that the next one becomes your breakthrough. 3️⃣ Consider Long-Term Projects - This is where the bag is at! The veterans won’t tell you this one. Once you’ve formed enough relationships and a credible name for yourself, search for projects that require your voice for more than a year….generating you money every month over a number of years. COMMENT 'WOW' if you learned something new 😃 Day 9/30 - Sine’s VO Tips #TheVOFactory #TheVoiceoverFactory #voiceacting #voiceactor #sinethevoiceartist
Sinemivuyo Mpulu
11 months ago
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