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What it anxiety could just be something that comes up and passes without you doing much of anything? What if anxiety could be just like being irritated, bored, hungry, sad, or uncomfortable? It is totally posdible! If you want this to be your reality- where anxiety can just be one normal human emotion you experience, check out my peace from within community. #anxietyrelief#anxietydisorder#anxietyawarenessoriginal sound

Duration: 10 sPosted : Sun, 14 Apr 2024 22:06:36
















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I’m grateful that my feelings tell me if my thinking is clear or not. When anxiety arises, I see it as an invitation to let go of my thinking, just temporarily, to make room for something new. ##anxietyawareness##anxietyattack##anxietyattacks##healthanxiety##derealization
Lily // Anxiety & Panic Relief
10 months ago
You pay attention because it feels necessary, but it’s not. Why isn’t it necessary? 🫥When you feel uncomfortable your thoughts are not helpful. 🫥Anxious thinking is distorted thinking. It’s not clear thinking. 👉When our feelings are most compulsive, our thoughts are least useful. Most misleading. Then it gets less tempting. 👉If you know that your thoughts are going to be misleading for you, it’s much less temping to listen to them. ✨Our feelings tell us about the clarity of our thinking and if we feel a little bit anxious, our thinking is a little bit distorted. If we feel really anxious, our thinking is going to be really distorted. ✨The feeling will tell you the future of the thought. If you have a bad feeling, the future of that feeling is not going to be good for you. The future of that thought is going to have a negative impact on you. 🌦️Uncomfortable feelings are the feelings of disturbed, distorted thought. The distortion of the thought creates and uncomfortable feeling. It also negatively impacts your frame of reference, your perception, the way you see things, the way you’re inclined to react to them. 🌦️If we know our thinking isn’t clear and true, we can know we don’t have to pay attention to it. 🌦️It’s not a problem to have anxious, distorted thinking because it’s temporary and changes all on its own. 💨The nature of thought is that it’s transient. It’s always coming and going. ☀️It’s not a problem to feel anxious if we can know that our thinking isn’t going to be helpful then. ☀️Try it and see how you feel when you don’t take your anxious thoughts as true. When you can just let it be there. #anxietyrelief #anxiousthoughts #anxietyawareness
Lily // Anxiety & Panic Relief
10 months ago
Not fearing my experience because it’s temporary and we are designed to return to balance has been the biggest game changer of my life!
Lily // Anxiety & Panic Relief
10 months ago
I used to think that I needed to be on guard, worried, and anxious to take good care of my health. For most of my life if I had a symptom I would zoom in on it, jump to the worst case scenario, and get more confused and worried. I also did this about people I loved. Until six years ago I didn’t know that it was not only safe but beneficial for me to relax and trust in my wisdom and common sense rather than my intellect around health. Relaxing, reducing stress, being in positive feelings of contentment, joy and trust allows us to generate immuno-enhancing substances and processes. That is also when we get the best guidance. You also don’t get confused because you’re not activating a stress response or filling your head with a lot of scary thoughts. When we’re anxious we’re not thinking clearly. When you fall out of your head and into your heart that’s when you’ve got clarity. Your feeling let you know how clear you’re thinking is. It is life-changing to allow your feelings to be your guide. It is possible to be present, peaceful, trusting, happy, and not worried and catch things early and take great care of your health and health of your loved ones. No matter how long you’ve struggled with how things anxiety and even if you have a health condition it is possible to live in peace. I have diabetes and I very rarely think about it in a stressful way. I also have an amazing story of Hope with Robyn who recovered from stage four cancer and has absolutely no health anxiety. You can find that on my YouTube channel and on my podcast called stories of Hope. ##hea#healthanxietya#healthanxietyreliefp#hypochondriacm#momswithanxiety
Lily // Anxiety & Panic Relief
10 months ago
What it anxiety could just be something that comes up and passes without you doing much of anything? What if anxiety could be just like being irritated, bored, hungry, sad, or uncomfortable? It is totally posdible! If you want this to be your reality- where anxiety can just be one normal human emotion you experience, check out my peace from within community. #anxietyrelief #anxietydisorder #anxietyawareness
Lily // Anxiety & Panic Relief
10 months ago

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