Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Devy anastasia. The video has now received more than 143.1K likes, 739 comments and 25.5K shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
AYAM BUMBU ITEM GA PAKE DI GORENG🥹✅ selalu ada cara buat makan lebih sehat kalo emang niat, walaupun masi pake olive oil 2 sendok aku yakin ini kalorinya jauh lebih rendah drpd di goreng❤️ bikinnya cuma butuh kesabaran ngaduk doang akwkwkw Dan blender bumbunya yang alus ya karena ada lengkuas, pake Power Blender dari @Oxone bkin aku masak jd lbh cepet❤️ . Bahan2 : - 1 ekor ayam potong 8 - 12 cabe merah keriting - 12 bawang merah - 5 cabe rawit - 10 bawang putih - 1 jempol kunyit - 1 jempol jahe - 1 jempol lengkuas - sereh, salam daun jeruk - 4 butir kemiri - 1 sdm ketumbar - 3 sdm air asam jawa - air - 2 sdm olive oil . Resep nya ikutin #Love, Maybe
Duration: 41 sPosted : Wed, 17 Apr 2024 09:28:11Views
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