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Te imaginás como seria el mundo de la música?? 🎵✨ Me puse a entrenar una AI para que me traiga a estos genios a la actualidad, crees que estarian así? 🌟 BOB MARLEY (1945 - 1981) ➡️ Hoy tendría 79 años 🌟 FREDDIE MERCURY (1946 - 1991) ➡️ Hoy tendría 78 años 🌟 JIM MORRISON (1943 - 1971) ➡️ Hoy tendría 80 años 🌟 JANIS JOPLIN (1943 - 1970) ➡️ Hoy tendría 80 años 🌟 MARILYN MONROE (1926 - 1962) ➡️ Hoy tendría 98 años 🌟 KURT COBAIN (1967 - 1994) ➡️ Hoy tendría 57 años 🌟 JIMI HENDRIX (1942 - 1970) ➡️ Hoy tendría 81 años 🌟 JOHN LENNON (1940 - 1980) ➡️ Hoy tendría 84 años 🌟 ELVIS PRESLEY (1935 - 1977) ➡️ Hoy tendría 89 años 🌟 BRIAN JONES (1942 - 1969) ➡️ Hoy tendría 82 años ¡Imaginate las contribuciones musicales que podrían haber seguido regalandonos! Puff! _______________________________________________________________ What if they were alive today? Can you imagine what the music world would be like? 🎵✨ I've been training an AI to bring these legends into the present day. Do you think they'd look like this? 🌟 BOB MARLEY (1945 - 1981) ➡️ Would be 79 years old today 🌟 FREDDIE MERCURY (1946 - 1991) ➡️ Would be 78 years old today 🌟 JIM MORRISON (1943 - 1971) ➡️ Would be 80 years old today 🌟 JANIS JOPLIN (1943 - 1970) ➡️ Would be 80 years old today 🌟 MARILYN MONROE (1926 - 1962) ➡️ Would be 98 years old today 🌟 KURT COBAIN (1967 - 1994) ➡️ Would be 57 years old today 🌟 JIMI HENDRIX (1942 - 1970) ➡️ Would be 81 years old today 🌟 JOHN LENNON (1940 - 1980) ➡️ Would be 84 years old today 🌟 ELVIS PRESLEY (1935 - 1977) ➡️ Would be 89 years old today 🌟 BRIAN JONES (1942 - 1969) ➡️ Would be 82 years old today Just imagine the musical contributions they could have continued to bless us with! Wow!" #BobMarley #FreddieMercury #JimMorrison #JanisJoplin #MarilynMonroe #KurtCobain #JimiHendrix #JohnLennon #ElvisPresley #BrianJones
Duration: 0 sPosted : Fri, 19 Apr 2024 21:17:57Views
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