Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Care Clark. The video has now received more than 3.0K likes, 50 comments and 127 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.

Replying to @Brooklyn Rector UNMEDICATED BIRTH & LOW PAIN TOLERANCE - is it possible? Use me as evidence that it is. I’m a baby and avoid pain/discomfort at all costs. But I did it! This is a DM I got from a chronic pain therapist: “Pain is danger signal the brain turns on. The more signals of safety we can send to our brains (like encouragement from hypnobirthing tracks) - the greater our chances of feeling less pain. This doesn’t mean falsely positive (it’s fine! It’s not that bad! I need to be stronger!) but speaking to our brains (and body) the way we’d speak to a beloved other. 🩷🧠🤯 Resources that helped me: My amazing doula @contessaafowler The @downtobirthshow podcast. The @gentlebirthofficial app. @aprilnlynch’s tiktoks on unmedicated birth - these helped give me so much confidence! @tobemagnetic - I’ve been doing TBM years, so I knew I could reprogram old subconscious beliefs/fears to help me prep! . . . #hypnobirthing #unmedicatedbirth #naturalbirth #homebirth #pregnancy #birthprep #laborprep
Duration: 60 sPosted : Sat, 20 Apr 2024 03:46:09Views
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