Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by ChefDave VeganJourney. The video has now received more than 1.6K likes, 40 comments and 60 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
JEERA RICE – CHEF DAVE chefdaveveganjourney #veganstyle #lalqillabasmatirice Masa penyediaan: 10 minit Masa memasak: 25 minit Hidangan: 1-2 pax Resipi Bahan tumis: 1 sudu besar minyak sapi vegan 1 kulit kayu manis 2-3 bunga cengkih 1 sudu kecil jintan putih Bahan lain: 1 cawan beras basmati lal qilla(basuh dan rendam 30min) 2 cawan air Garam secukupnya Serbuk perasa secukupnya Hirisan daun ketumbar Note: Basmati rice dari @lalqillamy adalah beras yang saya jamin korang akan repeat lagi bila cuba. Fluffy, beras Panjang dan sangat lembut. 🍚🥰😋 Cara memasak: 1.Sediakan periuk, masukkan minyak sapi vegan. Biarkan ia cair. 2.Masukkan kulit kayu manis, bunga cengkih dan jintan putih. Tumis hingga naik bau. 3.Masukkan beras basmati yang telah ditapis air rendaman tu. Kemudian masukkan ke dalam bahan tumisan tadi. Kacau sebati. 4. Masukkan serbuk perasa cendawan, garam secukupnya dan air. Kacau sebati lalu tutup dan biarkan ia masak dengan api yang perlahan. 5.Bila nasi dah masak, taburkan hirisan daun ketumbar dan sedia untuk dihidang. JEERA RICE Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 25 minutes Servings: 1-2 pax Recipe Stir-fry ingredients: 1 tbsp vegan ghee 1 cinnamon stick 2-3 cloves 1 tsp cumin seeds Other ingredients: 1 cup lal qilla basmati rice (wash and soak for 30 minutes) 2 cups water Salt as needed Seasoning powder to taste Chopped coriander leaves Note: Basmati rice from lalqillamy is guaranteed to make you come back for more once you try it. Fluffy, long grains, and incredibly soft. 🍚 😋 Cooking method: 1. Prepare a pot and add vegan ghee. Let it melt. 2. Add cinnamon sticks, cloves, and cumin seeds. Sauté until fragrant. 3. Add the pre-soaked and drained basmati rice to the pot. Mix well. 4. Add mushroom seasoning, salt to taste, and water. Stir well, cover, and let it cook on low heat. 5. Once the rice is cooked, sprinkle it with chopped coriander leaves and it's ready to serve. #original sound - ChefDave VeganJourney
Duration: 164 sPosted : Fri, 17 May 2024 04:30:00Views
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