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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by Gems of Science. The video has now received more than 13.7K likes, 83 comments and 64 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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Check out these gorgeous magnetic GGGs! You can check them out at the link in my bio or on TurtlesHoard.com This is GGG, an exotic lab created garnet which was once popular in the gem world but is rarely seen this century and today is mostly used in industry. Two of these show a light golden color while the rest are colorless. GGG is especially nice because its dispersion is very close to diamond and cut stones strongly resemble diamond. With a hardness just above 7 it is also usable in jewelry. #syntheticgem #garnets #gems #loosegems #loosestone #labcreated #lapidary #faceting #facetrough #gemcutting #gemsofscience #labgems #lab #garnets #garnet #january #birthstone #highlighter #GGG #diamond #simulant #dispersion #loosegems #orange #golden
Stephen Challener
1 years ago
We have totally fresh stock of fancy cut LuAGs, and today they're 25% off with coupon code LUAG23! LuAG is an ultrafluorescent lab created garnet designed for use in high end scientific and medical equipment like PET scanners. It was designed to help detect invisible radiation like gamma rays which make it glow thanks to its hyperstrong fluorescence. As it happens UV and even visible light will also make it glow very brightly. The fluorescence is so strong that in some lighting it looks downright uncanny. Not only is it brighter and greener than any other gem, it also has a high hardness of 8.5 and excellent optical properties that make it sparkle brilliantly. It is perfect for use in all types of jewelry, and a great gift for radiologists, cyberpunk friends or anyone who loves the color green. #luag #garnet #syntheticgems #synthetic #manmade #lumogarnet #fluorescent #glowing #glow #green #loosegems #loosestone #gems #gemstones #labcreated #science #radiology #cyberpunk #neon #dayglow #highlighter #ring #earring #jewelry #sterling #silver #pendant #pendants
Stephen Challener
1 years ago
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