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Introduction: This is a tiktok hashtag called fondue.
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Top 50 Hot Videos(#fondue)
#pub FONDUE CHINOISE🇨🇳 Bouillon maison, sauce épicée Teriyaki avec la Mayo Épicée Hellmann's et rouleaux de boeuf aux légumes🤤 Une recette mettant de l'avant la Mayo Épicée Hellmann's @hellmannsmayonnaise pour faire une sauce piquante, crémeuse et FULL goûteuse! J'ai explosé un repas qui se mange autant en famille ou entre amis, que seul avec un petit plating digne du FIT COOK💪🏼🔥 Savais-tu que la Mayo Hellmann's est faite avec des oeufs de poule en liberté du Québec... et elle est fabriqué au Canada depuis 75 ans! WOW😳 --- #ad CHINESE FONDUE🇨🇳 Home made bouillon, spicy Teriyaki sauce made with Hellmann's Spicy Mayo and veggie beef rolls🤤 A recipe featuring Hellmann's Spicy mayo to make a spicy, yet creamy sauce and delicious to the MAX! I made this explosive recipe that you can eat with fam or friends, but also that can be eaten alone with this FIT COOK signature plating🔥 Did you know that Hellmann's mayo is made from free-range eggs from Quebec... and has been made in Canada for over 75 years! WOW😳 Bon appétit😁 #partenairehellmannscanada #hellmannscanadapartner #fonduehellmanns #fondue #fyp #lefitcook #fitcook #quebec #mtl #cooking #cuisine #cuisinier #quebecois #montreal #recette
1 years ago
RACLETTE ET FONDUE HALAL À VOLONTÉ 😍🧀 #sortiesparis #restoparis #sortiraparis #paris #restaurantparis #mangeraparis #restaurant #racletteParis #streetfoodparis #adressesparis #foodieparis #restaurantparisien #oumangeraparis #sortiesaparis #restaurantraclette #restohalalparis #restoparis #fondueparis #restaurantfondue #raclettehalal #fonduehalal #restaurantfonduehalal #raclette #fondue
Sorties Paris
1 years ago
🔥 SALCHICHA PARRILLERA EN FONDUE DE ZAPALLO Y QUESO 🔥 Vas a necesitar ✅ 1 kg de salchicha parrillera ✅ 1 zapallo cabutia ✅ Sal, pimienta y un chorrito de leche ✅ papel aluminio ✅ 150 grs de queso raclette ( fontina, gouda, pategras) ✅ 350 grs de queso cremoso o muzarella #salchichaparrillera #madeincasa #cocinandoconjime #fondue #fonduedezapallo
1 years ago
Respondendo a @Caroline Castro NOITE DO FONDUE NÃO PODE FALTAR NA NOSSA SEMANA ESPECIAL #DIADOSNAMORADOS 🧡🥹 Estou hospedada no @Roteiros Adorai , e aqui já tem aparelho de fondue, e tudo que a gente precisa pra uma noite romântica, além de lindo e extremamente mágico! Usei chocolate meio amargo com creme de leite, e servi com morangos, uva, e marshmallow!! QUE DELICIIIIIIIIIIIIA DE LUGAR GENTE 🥹🥹🥹 #fondue #fonduedechocolate #chocolate #noiteromantica #casal #noitedecasal #noitedofondue
Bruna Chagas
1 years ago
Cheese Fondue🧀 (in a pumpkin!)🎃 Omg, this was so delicious I couldn’t stop dipping into it!!! Super cute for fall/Halloween gatherings! Fondue recipe inspired from: @montanahappy 🧡 I doubled it to fit into a small pumpkin! Ingredients: 8 teaspoons cornstarch (divided) 2 cups + 2 tablespoons dry white wine 3 cups shredded Gruyère cheese 3 cups shredded Swiss cheese 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce A few drops hot sauce One small, flat pumpkin (smaller than what I used here preferably) Directions: 1. Combine 4 teaspoons cornstarch with 2 tablespoons wine in a small bowl and set aside. 2. Combine the remaining cornstarch with all the shredded cheese. Set aside. 3. In a large saucepan, add remaining wine and heat until it bubbles. 4. Stir in lemon juice. 5. Add in a handful of cheese at a time. Stirring in between to make sure everything is completely melted. 6. Stir in garlic powder, oregano, Worcestershire sauce, and hot sauce. 7. Stir in cornstarch gradually. 8. Cut the top off of a small, flat pumpkin, and scoop out the insides. 9. Pour in the fondue. 10. Cover with the pumpkin lid, and bake in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes. 11. Serve with dippers like bread and apples! #fondue #pumpkinfondue #fallrecipes #hosting
1 years ago
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#pub FONDUE CHINOISE🇨🇳 Bouillon maison, sauce épicée Teriyaki avec la Mayo Épicée Hellmann's et rouleaux de boeuf aux légumes🤤 Une recette mettant de l'avant la Mayo Épicée Hellmann's @hellmannsmayonnaise pour faire une sauce piquante, crémeuse et FULL goûteuse! J'ai explosé un repas qui se mange autant en famille ou entre amis, que seul avec un petit plating digne du FIT COOK💪🏼🔥 Savais-tu que la Mayo Hellmann's est faite avec des oeufs de poule en liberté du Québec... et elle est fabriqué au Canada depuis 75 ans! WOW😳 --- #ad CHINESE FONDUE🇨🇳 Home made bouillon, spicy Teriyaki sauce made with Hellmann's Spicy Mayo and veggie beef rolls🤤 A recipe featuring Hellmann's Spicy mayo to make a spicy, yet creamy sauce and delicious to the MAX! I made this explosive recipe that you can eat with fam or friends, but also that can be eaten alone with this FIT COOK signature plating🔥 Did you know that Hellmann's mayo is made from free-range eggs from Quebec... and has been made in Canada for over 75 years! WOW😳 Bon appétit😁 #partenairehellmannscanada #hellmannscanadapartner #fonduehellmanns #fondue #fyp #lefitcook #fitcook #quebec #mtl #cooking #cuisine #cuisinier #quebecois #montreal #recette
1 years ago
RACLETTE ET FONDUE HALAL À VOLONTÉ 😍🧀 #sortiesparis #restoparis #sortiraparis #paris #restaurantparis #mangeraparis #restaurant #racletteParis #streetfoodparis #adressesparis #foodieparis #restaurantparisien #oumangeraparis #sortiesaparis #restaurantraclette #restohalalparis #restoparis #fondueparis #restaurantfondue #raclettehalal #fonduehalal #restaurantfonduehalal #raclette #fondue
Sorties Paris
1 years ago
🔥 SALCHICHA PARRILLERA EN FONDUE DE ZAPALLO Y QUESO 🔥 Vas a necesitar ✅ 1 kg de salchicha parrillera ✅ 1 zapallo cabutia ✅ Sal, pimienta y un chorrito de leche ✅ papel aluminio ✅ 150 grs de queso raclette ( fontina, gouda, pategras) ✅ 350 grs de queso cremoso o muzarella #salchichaparrillera #madeincasa #cocinandoconjime #fondue #fonduedezapallo
1 years ago
Respondendo a @Caroline Castro NOITE DO FONDUE NÃO PODE FALTAR NA NOSSA SEMANA ESPECIAL #DIADOSNAMORADOS 🧡🥹 Estou hospedada no @Roteiros Adorai , e aqui já tem aparelho de fondue, e tudo que a gente precisa pra uma noite romântica, além de lindo e extremamente mágico! Usei chocolate meio amargo com creme de leite, e servi com morangos, uva, e marshmallow!! QUE DELICIIIIIIIIIIIIA DE LUGAR GENTE 🥹🥹🥹 #fondue #fonduedechocolate #chocolate #noiteromantica #casal #noitedecasal #noitedofondue
Bruna Chagas
1 years ago
Cheese Fondue🧀 (in a pumpkin!)🎃 Omg, this was so delicious I couldn’t stop dipping into it!!! Super cute for fall/Halloween gatherings! Fondue recipe inspired from: @montanahappy 🧡 I doubled it to fit into a small pumpkin! Ingredients: 8 teaspoons cornstarch (divided) 2 cups + 2 tablespoons dry white wine 3 cups shredded Gruyère cheese 3 cups shredded Swiss cheese 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce A few drops hot sauce One small, flat pumpkin (smaller than what I used here preferably) Directions: 1. Combine 4 teaspoons cornstarch with 2 tablespoons wine in a small bowl and set aside. 2. Combine the remaining cornstarch with all the shredded cheese. Set aside. 3. In a large saucepan, add remaining wine and heat until it bubbles. 4. Stir in lemon juice. 5. Add in a handful of cheese at a time. Stirring in between to make sure everything is completely melted. 6. Stir in garlic powder, oregano, Worcestershire sauce, and hot sauce. 7. Stir in cornstarch gradually. 8. Cut the top off of a small, flat pumpkin, and scoop out the insides. 9. Pour in the fondue. 10. Cover with the pumpkin lid, and bake in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minutes. 11. Serve with dippers like bread and apples! #fondue #pumpkinfondue #fallrecipes #hosting
1 years ago
Respondendo a @Suy 🦋 O AMOR ESTÁ NO AR ❤️ Fondue Salgado bem queijudo de inspiração para o dia dos namorados 🔥❤️ Pra acompanhar fiz contrafilé, frango e batata rústica! Para o molho: • 1 colher de manteiga • 1 colher de farinha de trigo • 300ml de leite • Temperei com sal e pimenta do reino • 1 colher de requeijão • 150g de mussarela • 100g de queijo gouda • Contrafilé: sal de parrilla e chimichurri, pimenta do reino • Frango: sal de parrilla e chimichurri, pimenta do reino e páprica defumada • Batata rústica: sal de parrila e chimichurri, pimenta do reino, óregano e azeite (35 min na air fryer pré aquecida à 180°) O que achou? Eu achei que ficou delicia demais 🤤🤌🏻❤️ #fondue #fonduesalgado #fonduedequeijo #fonduediadosnamorados #diadosnamorados #jantardiadosnamorados
Bruna Chagas
1 years ago
When the worlds best cheese fondue is only 1.5 hours away it would be rude not to… Ad pr #visitgeneva #geneva #genevatravel #eurotrip #europe #visiteurope #europetravel #europetraveldestinations #eurotravels #europetiktok #europeansummer #eurosummer #eurosummer2023 #cheesefondue #switzerland #genevafood #genevafoodie #genevafoodguide #cheesefondueeating #cheesefonduebread #fondue #swissalps #wheretovisitineurope #europeroadtrip #londonroadtrip
Em Sheldon
1 years ago
🍫🧀 FONDUE 🧀🍫 . Ingredientes: --->Fondue de queijo: -600ml de vinho (reduzir pela metade) -250g queijo mussarela -150g queijo gruyere -50g provolone -Cebola, alho e tomilho pra aromatizar o vinho ---->Fondue de chocolate: -100g chocolate ao leite -100g chocolate meio amargo -150ml de creme de leite -50g de manteiga sem sal . . #fy #foryou #fyp #fondue #fonduedechocolate #fonduedequeijo
Lucas Brum
1 years ago
FONDUE ME BABY 🫕 . . . . #couplescontent #fyp #cutecouples #igbaddie #explorepage #fypシ #couples #couplescontent #multiculturalcouple #interracialcouple ##datenight#m#mixedcouplemi#mixedcouplegoalsi#mixedcouplegoalsa#datenightideasu#cutedatenighto#couplesprankso#fondueo#foodiesi#mixedgirli#fiancel#blacklovel#blackcouplel#blackexcellencel#blackluxury
Gogo & Mo 🥂
1 years ago
ROTEIRO DE COMO CURTIR UM DIA NA BAUERNFEST 2023 (com valores)🇩🇪🍺 A segunda maior Festa Alemã começou ontem e vai até o dia 09 de julho. Nós desbravamos tudo e montamos esse roteiro para você ser feliz na Bauern! Curte se quer a Parte 02 e Marca o @ que vai contigo! 🍺 🧥Ontem Eu e a Loirinha estávamos vestidos de @lipestreet , e vou te falar para aguentar esse frio de noite, não tem forma melhor a não ser os casacos deles. Seja feminino ou masculino, a Lipe é referência há muitos anos. Somos fãs! Aproveita antes de ir para a Bauern, passa lá e garante o seu! Se mostrar esse vídeo, tem 5% de desconto! 👀 Agora, vamos para os valores: 👇 Casa do Alemão @casadoalemaooficial 🇩🇪Salsichão Branco ou Viena 💲12 🌭Sanduíche de Linguiça Mista 💲21 🌭Sanduíche de Lombinho Defumado 💲22 🧆Porção de mini croquete 💲22 🍫Canudinho de Chocolate 💲17 Bohemia @cervejariabohemia 🧆Bolinho de cevada 💲42 🇩🇪Mix de mini salsichas alemãs 💲49 🥓Schnitzel 💲59 🐷Kassler 💲65 🍰Strudel 💲25 Barraca 10 🇩🇪Salsichão 10 💲25 🇩🇪Salsichão Schubling com Queijo 💲25 🐷Sanduíche de Pernil 💲45 🌭Sanduíche de Croquete 💲45 🥓Prato Executivo 1 💲60 Brownie do Ton @browniedoton 🍓Fondue Brownie na Caneca com Fruta 💲56 🍫Caneca Morango com Chocolate 💲58 MANDA PRO @ QUE PRECISA BEBER UM CHOPP CONTIGO NA BAUERN! 💬 #guiasaborpetropolis #petropolis #cidadeimperial #itaipava #secretario #rj #riodejaneiro #serra #gastronomiarj #regiaoserrana #bauernfest #bauern #cerveja #chopp #palaciodecristal #salsichao #cerveja #chopp #paocomlinguica #kassler #strudel #pernil #fondue #chocolate #morango
Guia Sabor Petrópolis
1 years ago
Schweizer Käsefondue 🫕 Konsistenz ist hier alles! Bei @EDEKA findet ihr glücklicherweise alles, was ihr braucht, um das zu gewährleisten. Schließlich soll sich das Brot ja in Kürze mit der saumäßig leckeren Käsetunke vollsaugen und gleichzeitig Kartoffeln und Co. ummanteln. Ganz wichtig aber: Es steht und fällt mit der richtigen Käsezusammensetzung und dem passenden Wein. Daher nehmt dieses Rezept: Rezept: 1 Knoblauchzehe 150 ml Weißwein 20 ml Kirschwasser 1 Nelke 1 Stück Zitronenschale 2 Zweige Thymian 300 g Käse (je 150 g: Le Gruyère AOP, Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP, Romadur) Alternativ geht auch nur Gruyere und Vacherin. 1,5 geh. TL Stärke Salz, Pfeffe, Muskatnuss Anleitung: Den Fondue Topf von innen mit etwas Knoblauchöl oder einer angeschnittenen Zehe abreiben. Anschließend Weißwein und Kirschwasser zusammen mit Nelke, Thymian und etwas Zitronenschale aufkochen und 1 Minute ziehen lassen. Den Käse reiben und mit der Stärke vermengen. Die Flüssigkeit wieder aufkochen, auf niedrigste Stufe stellen und den Käse hinzugeben. Unter ständigem Rühren Käse zum Schmelzen bringen und mit Salz, Pfeffer und Muskatnuss abschmecken. Serviert dazu Brotwürfel, Kartoffeln oder frisches Gemüse. #fondue #swissfood #cheese #cheesefondue #käse #rezepte #kochen
Tim brot.mit.ei
1 years ago
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