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🩸 Hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia occurs when potassium levels are >5 mEq/L ⭐️ Potassium Functions ➡️ Balances fluid volume ➡️ Supports nerve transmission ➡️ Regulates muscle functioning ➡️ Maintains heart contractility ‼️Hyperkalemia can quickly lead to lethal dysrhythmias—requiring urgent action! Causes Burns (damaged cells release potassium) Addison’s Disease (low aldosterone decreases potassium excretion) Excessive Intake (IV fluids, supplements, high-potassium foods) Medications (ACE inhibitors and potassium-sparing diuretics) Decreased Excretion (kidney disease) Symptoms ➡️ Muscle cramps and weakness ➡️ Decreased urine output ➡️ Respiratory distress ➡️ Decreased cardiac contractility ➡️ EKG changes (peaked T waves) ➡️ Decreased reflexes 💬 Comment below if this helped and share with a fellow nursing student! #nursingstudent#nursingschool#hyperkalemia#nursingfundamentals#nursetok#nursingstudents#nursingeducation#nclexreview#nursingstudentsoftiktok#nursingtiktok#nclex#nclexrn#nursetiktokoriginal sound - Nurse Well Versed ™

Duration: 64 sPosted : Fri, 03 Jan 2025 14:30:00

Nurse Well Versed ™


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ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a sudden decline in renal function that is abrupt but reversible. 🔸 Causes of AKI: 🟣Pre-renal: Damage occurs before the kidneys, due to decreased blood flow caused by: Hypotension (e.g., shock, dehydration) Decreased cardiac output (e.g., MI, heart failure) Obstruction (e.g., tumor, emboli) 🟠Intra-renal: Damage occurs within the kidneys, resulting in decreased functioning due to: Infection (e.g., glomerulonephritis) Nephrotoxins (e.g., dye, chemo) Injury (e.g., falls leading to rhabdo) 🔵Post-renal: Damage occurs after the kidneys, caused by obstruction such as: Renal calculi BPH Tumors Comment below if you’d like a part 2 and share with a fellow nursing school friend who needs this! #nursingschool #nursingstudentsoftiktok #nursesoftiktok #nursing #nursingtiktok #medsurg #nclexrn #nclexstudying #futurenurse #futurenursesoftiktok #nursingstudent
Nurse Well Versed ™
2 months ago
🧠 Myasthenia Gravis Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune disease that leads to muscle weakness and comes from the words “grave/severe” and “muscle weakness.” ⭐️ At the neuromuscular junction, motor neurons connect to muscles, releasing acetylcholine (ACH), a neurotransmitter essential for muscle contraction. In myasthenia gravis, ACH receptors are blocked, which prevents muscles from receiving the signal needed for contraction, leading to muscle weakness. Risk Factors 🟢 Women under 40, men over 60 🟢 Autoimmune disorders 🟢 Thymoma (a tumor on the thymus) — can cause excess antibody production Symptoms to Know ➡️ Diplopia (double vision) ➡️ Ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) ➡️ Mask-like expression due to facial weakness ➡️ Dysarthria (difficulty speaking) ➡️ Difficulty chewing ➡️ Fatigue that gets worse throughout the day ➡️ Shortness of breath ➡️ Descending weakness (starting in the face and progressing downward) 💬 Comment below if this was helpful and share with a fellow nursing student! #nursingstudent #nursingschool #nclex #nclexstudying #myastheniagravis #neuro #medsurg #nursetok #nursingstudentsoftiktok #futurenurse #futurenursesoftiktok #nursingmajor
Nurse Well Versed ™
2 months ago
🩸 Hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia occurs when potassium levels are >5 mEq/L ⭐️ Potassium Functions ➡️ Balances fluid volume ➡️ Supports nerve transmission ➡️ Regulates muscle functioning ➡️ Maintains heart contractility ‼️Hyperkalemia can quickly lead to lethal dysrhythmias—requiring urgent action! Causes Burns (damaged cells release potassium) Addison’s Disease (low aldosterone decreases potassium excretion) Excessive Intake (IV fluids, supplements, high-potassium foods) Medications (ACE inhibitors and potassium-sparing diuretics) Decreased Excretion (kidney disease) Symptoms ➡️ Muscle cramps and weakness ➡️ Decreased urine output ➡️ Respiratory distress ➡️ Decreased cardiac contractility ➡️ EKG changes (peaked T waves) ➡️ Decreased reflexes 💬 Comment below if this helped and share with a fellow nursing student! #nursingstudent #nursingschool #hyperkalemia #nursingfundamentals #nursetok #nursingstudents #nursingeducation #nclexreview #nursingstudentsoftiktok #nursingtiktok #nclex #nclexrn #nursetiktok
Nurse Well Versed ™
2 months ago
🩸 Understanding Blood Components In a blood sample, there are three main parts: ⭐️ Plasma 55% of blood volume ➡️ Carries nutrients, hormones, and proteins ⭐️ Buffy Coat 1% of blood volume ➡️ Contains White Blood Cells (WBCs) and Platelets (PLTs) ⭐️ Red Blood Cells (RBCs) 45% of blood volume RBCs: Carry oxygen and remove CO2 📊 RBC Count: Measures the amount of RBCs present 📊 Hematocrit: Measures the percentage of RBCs in blood 📊 Hemoglobin: Protein on RBCs that carries O2 and removes CO2 PLTs: help with clotting 🕒 aPTT: Monitored with heparin 🕒 PT: Used to calculate INR 🕒 INR: Monitored with warfarin WBCs: fight infections ➡️ Fight infections and invaders 🟢 Eosinophils: Fight inflammation and parasites 🔵 Basophils: Part of inflammatory and allergic responses 🟡 Neutrophils: First responders to infections 🟣 Lymphocytes: Recognize antigens and fight viral infections 🟠 Monocytes: Engulf and destroy invaders 💬 Comment below if this helped and share with a fellow nursing student! #nursingschool #nursingstudent #nursesoftiktok #nursing #nursingstudentsoftiktok #nursingstudents #nursingmajor #medsurg #nursingeducation #nursingtiktok
Nurse Well Versed ™
2 months ago
🦵 Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) A deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a blood clot that forms in a deep vein in the body. 🩸 How it Forms:
1️⃣ Underlying Cause
From Virchow’s Triad (hypercoagulability, venous stasis, vessel damage)
 2️⃣ Platelets Collect at Valve
Clotting factors activate, producing fibrin → forms a mesh around WBC, RBC, PLT → clot forms and grows
 3️⃣ Clot Can Break Off
➡️ Forms an embolus, which may travel to the lungs and cause a Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 💥 Most Common Sites:
➡️ Calves: Peroneal Vein, Posterior Tibial Vein
➡️ Thighs: Popliteal Vein, Superficial Femoral Vein ⚠️ Risk Factors: Virchow’s Triad
🔴 Hypercoagulability: Increased tendency to clot
➡️ Causes: Sepsis, Dehydration, HIT, Oral Contraceptives, Genetic Factors
 🔴 Venous Stasis: Slowed or stagnant blood flow
➡️ Causes: Immobilization, Sedentary Lifestyle, Surgery, PVD, Pregnancy
 🔴 Vessel Damage: Damage to blood vessel walls
➡️ Causes: Central Lines, IV Lines, IV Drug Use, Trauma, Injury 💬 Comment below if you'd like a Part 2! #nursingstudent #nursingschool #deepveinthrombosis #dvt #nursingeducation #nursesoftiktok #nursetiktok #nurselife #futurenurses #futurenursesoftiktok #nclexrn #nursingmajor
Nurse Well Versed ™
2 months ago

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