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The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of perfectionism, we have gone through traumatic experiences that imprinted our subconscious with an intimidation of wrongness and mistakes. Usually religion or harsh parenting where wrongness or mistakes are met with extreme rejection or punishment are a common source. Perfectionism is the mind trying to overcompensate for this paranoia by intimidating us to be perfect “or else.” So even after the original intimidation is removed our subconscious continues the pressure because it still thinks it’s keeping us safe. In order to heal from this we need to actually allow ourselves to make peace with our humanness and realize we can only do the best we can in each moment with what we know at the time. Mistakes and consequences that are uncomfortable are a natural part of life and are not personal. To make a mistake just means you have to go through the consequences of that choice and learn, but the mind of perfectionism makes us feel like it is life or death. This is a crippling pressure and internal stress overtime. Whoever originally passed this belief system onto us had not learned any grace in life themselves and most likely live in their own internal torture of impossible standards. True self-confidence doesn’t come from being perfect all the time, it actually is the ability to recover from any setbacks with ease, grace, and most importantly optimism for the lessons learned. The irony is when we have this more relaxed confidence we tend to show up our best. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I so hard on myself Where does perfectionism come from Why do I always have to do things perfect Why do they have to always do it their way Neurotic behavior Why am I perfectionist #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #innerchildhealing #perfectionist #perfectionism
The Inner Work
1 years ago
This book will change the way you think in less than 100 pages. It illuminates the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to alleviate it in the simplest way I’ve seen. If you’re committed and ready to heal and finally finding peace, this book was meant for you. It may just be everything you’ve been looking for this whole time. Book Title: ‘Don’t Believe Everything You Think’. You may get your copy through TikTok Shop. #innerwork #selfhealers #spirituality #spiritualbooks #selfhelpbooks #mentalhealth #booksthatchangedmylife #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfimprovement #inspirationalbook #selfhelp #motivation #successmotivation #selfimprovementdaily
1 years ago
By age 35 you should know these 7 things #thingsyoudidntknow #thingsyoushouldknow #forgiveyourparents #staysilent #familyisimportant #findamentor #family #dreamkillersss🤪 #dreamkillers #selfhelpbooks #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalvideo #inspirationalquotes17 #inspirationalquotes #motivational #yourfuture #positivity #youarestrong #yourfuturelife #lifeisshort #friendships #youarewhoyouhangoutwith
1 years ago
How to start building trust in your relationship by healing your inner child wounds together. 📖 The Inner Work of Relationships. Available now in our Tiktok shop. #Popularbookreccomendations #Attachmenttheory #Anxiousattachmenthealing #Relationshipproblems #Relationshipstruggles #trustinrelationships #Infidelityinrelationships #theinnerwork #innerwork #selfhelpbooks #relationshiptips #relationshipadvice #abandonmentissues #innerworkofrelationships
The Inner Work
11 months ago
Ready for your first healhty relationship? The Inner Work of Relationships will teach you step by step everything you need to know for healing your dysfunctional relationship patterns, stop self-sabotage, heal your inner child, and how to co-create a healhty, lasting, and conscious relationship. If you were to only read one relationship book in your life, this is the one! #innerwork #theinnerwork #innerchildhealing #innerworkofrelationships #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #marriageadvice #relationshiptips #relationshipproblems #booksthatchangedmylife #booktok #booksoftiktok #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork
The Inner Work
11 months ago
This book illuminates the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to alleviate it in the simplest way I’ve seen. If you’re committed and ready to heal and finally finding peace, this book was meant for you. It may just be everything you’ve been looking for this whole time. Book title: ‘Don’t Believe Everything You Think’. #innerwork #selfhealers #spirituality #spiritualbooks #selfhelpbooks #mentalhealth #booksthatchangedmylife #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfimprovement #inspirationalbook #selfhelp #motivation #successmotivation #selfimprovementdaily
1 years ago
This book will sit you down and hold up the mirror for you. Be warned. Only for those who are ready to take radical accountability and change their lives for the better. #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #shadowwork #selfimprovement #selfmotivation #motivation #successmotivation #selfimprovementdaily #selfhelpbooks
The Inner Work
1 years ago
The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of addiction our subconscious has been imprinted with a sense of lack and that we and or our life is inadequate unless we have ____ fill in the blank with your craving of desire. Nothing ever feels good enough now unless we have our desire of choice. Because trauma and hurtful experiences are actually highly overstimulating on our nervous system, we accidently become addicted to it. And while we may not be addicted to the original abuse or hurt we experienced, we do subconsciously get addicted to overstimulation on our nervous system. So now we think our nervous system needs to always be overstimulated otherwise we feel like life is empty, depressing, or void. This then creates a feedback loop though where our tolerance keeps rising, we get bored, and so always have to push the envelope for novel experiences and more overstimulation. The healing for this wound is actually to address and reconcile the original violations that happened to us instead of masking them with overstimulation. We ironically need to stop overstimulating ourselves and sit with what comes up when we don’t run to our desires to feel good. We have to face what is underneath our discomfort and learn to be okay not feeling okay. We have to learn emotional regulation and composure in the face of discomfort. The most important part of this healing is to see that we are violating ourselves and our own potential by becoming an addict to overstimulation and we are perpetuating the feeling of emptiness in life and usually destroying our life and relationships in the process. From there we will finally start to push ourselves to heal and make lifestyle changes because we authentically want to move on and don’t want to feed the cycle anymore. We have to learn to feel satisified with less stimulation and to appreciate life without needing to constantly chase a high. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I addicted Where does addiction come from Why do I have addictions Why are they an addict Cravings Addictive personality #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #healingjourney #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addiction
The Inner Work
1 years ago
The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of anxiety our self-esteem development has been stunted because of exposure to wounds of distrust. Whether from parents, friends, abuse, society, etc. we have been imprinted with a deep sense of fear of the unknown. If we don’t reconcile this subconscious imprint we become anxious in our life. The healing path for this person is to accept that while painful things can happen in this life, we must trust OURSELVES that we will keep ourselves safe and know what to do in each moment. This focuses our healing on our own discernment and respect for caution. With this trust of ourselves established we can move through the unknown and the possible dangers of the world knowing that we will be ok despite the possiblities of hurt. This then moves us up in our development to face our wound of inadequacy, or in other words our ability to develop skills and accept we may have to learn new things that we currently don’t know. This is a huge step in our self-esteem because instead of being stuck in fear, we are able to be face our fears and learn new skills to overcome them, rather than letting them overcome us. When we feel adequate in our abilities to navigate the unknowns of life, we get one huge step closer to confidence and peace of mind. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I anxious Where does anxiety come from Why do I have anxiety Why are they so anxious Fear of the unknown Anxious attachment #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #healingjourney #attachmentissues #attachmentstyle #mentalhealth #anxietytips #anxietydisorder #anxiety
The Inner Work
1 years ago
Me: Currently not dating, not thinking about dating, and emotionally unavailable. Also me: reading this book poolside, healing my inner child and giving myself the tools to be a healthy partner if I ever do decide to become emotionally available. 😂 But seriously this book is so good, wish i would have read it 10 years ago. #innerwork #innerchildhealing #singlemomlife #divorcedmom #singlelife #booktoker #selfhelpbooks
10 months ago
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The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of perfectionism, we have gone through traumatic experiences that imprinted our subconscious with an intimidation of wrongness and mistakes. Usually religion or harsh parenting where wrongness or mistakes are met with extreme rejection or punishment are a common source. Perfectionism is the mind trying to overcompensate for this paranoia by intimidating us to be perfect “or else.” So even after the original intimidation is removed our subconscious continues the pressure because it still thinks it’s keeping us safe. In order to heal from this we need to actually allow ourselves to make peace with our humanness and realize we can only do the best we can in each moment with what we know at the time. Mistakes and consequences that are uncomfortable are a natural part of life and are not personal. To make a mistake just means you have to go through the consequences of that choice and learn, but the mind of perfectionism makes us feel like it is life or death. This is a crippling pressure and internal stress overtime. Whoever originally passed this belief system onto us had not learned any grace in life themselves and most likely live in their own internal torture of impossible standards. True self-confidence doesn’t come from being perfect all the time, it actually is the ability to recover from any setbacks with ease, grace, and most importantly optimism for the lessons learned. The irony is when we have this more relaxed confidence we tend to show up our best. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I so hard on myself Where does perfectionism come from Why do I always have to do things perfect Why do they have to always do it their way Neurotic behavior Why am I perfectionist #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #innerchildhealing #perfectionist #perfectionism
The Inner Work
1 years ago
This book will change the way you think in less than 100 pages. It illuminates the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to alleviate it in the simplest way I’ve seen. If you’re committed and ready to heal and finally finding peace, this book was meant for you. It may just be everything you’ve been looking for this whole time. Book Title: ‘Don’t Believe Everything You Think’. You may get your copy through TikTok Shop. #innerwork #selfhealers #spirituality #spiritualbooks #selfhelpbooks #mentalhealth #booksthatchangedmylife #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfimprovement #inspirationalbook #selfhelp #motivation #successmotivation #selfimprovementdaily
1 years ago
By age 35 you should know these 7 things #thingsyoudidntknow #thingsyoushouldknow #forgiveyourparents #staysilent #familyisimportant #findamentor #family #dreamkillersss🤪 #dreamkillers #selfhelpbooks #motivationalspeaker #inspirationalvideo #inspirationalquotes17 #inspirationalquotes #motivational #yourfuture #positivity #youarestrong #yourfuturelife #lifeisshort #friendships #youarewhoyouhangoutwith
1 years ago
How to start building trust in your relationship by healing your inner child wounds together. 📖 The Inner Work of Relationships. Available now in our Tiktok shop. #Popularbookreccomendations #Attachmenttheory #Anxiousattachmenthealing #Relationshipproblems #Relationshipstruggles #trustinrelationships #Infidelityinrelationships #theinnerwork #innerwork #selfhelpbooks #relationshiptips #relationshipadvice #abandonmentissues #innerworkofrelationships
The Inner Work
11 months ago
Ready for your first healhty relationship? The Inner Work of Relationships will teach you step by step everything you need to know for healing your dysfunctional relationship patterns, stop self-sabotage, heal your inner child, and how to co-create a healhty, lasting, and conscious relationship. If you were to only read one relationship book in your life, this is the one! #innerwork #theinnerwork #innerchildhealing #innerworkofrelationships #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #marriageadvice #relationshiptips #relationshipproblems #booksthatchangedmylife #booktok #booksoftiktok #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork
The Inner Work
11 months ago
This book illuminates the root cause of all psychological and emotional suffering and how to alleviate it in the simplest way I’ve seen. If you’re committed and ready to heal and finally finding peace, this book was meant for you. It may just be everything you’ve been looking for this whole time. Book title: ‘Don’t Believe Everything You Think’. #innerwork #selfhealers #spirituality #spiritualbooks #selfhelpbooks #mentalhealth #booksthatchangedmylife #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfimprovement #inspirationalbook #selfhelp #motivation #successmotivation #selfimprovementdaily
1 years ago
This book will sit you down and hold up the mirror for you. Be warned. Only for those who are ready to take radical accountability and change their lives for the better. #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #shadowwork #selfimprovement #selfmotivation #motivation #successmotivation #selfimprovementdaily #selfhelpbooks
The Inner Work
1 years ago
The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of addiction our subconscious has been imprinted with a sense of lack and that we and or our life is inadequate unless we have ____ fill in the blank with your craving of desire. Nothing ever feels good enough now unless we have our desire of choice. Because trauma and hurtful experiences are actually highly overstimulating on our nervous system, we accidently become addicted to it. And while we may not be addicted to the original abuse or hurt we experienced, we do subconsciously get addicted to overstimulation on our nervous system. So now we think our nervous system needs to always be overstimulated otherwise we feel like life is empty, depressing, or void. This then creates a feedback loop though where our tolerance keeps rising, we get bored, and so always have to push the envelope for novel experiences and more overstimulation. The healing for this wound is actually to address and reconcile the original violations that happened to us instead of masking them with overstimulation. We ironically need to stop overstimulating ourselves and sit with what comes up when we don’t run to our desires to feel good. We have to face what is underneath our discomfort and learn to be okay not feeling okay. We have to learn emotional regulation and composure in the face of discomfort. The most important part of this healing is to see that we are violating ourselves and our own potential by becoming an addict to overstimulation and we are perpetuating the feeling of emptiness in life and usually destroying our life and relationships in the process. From there we will finally start to push ourselves to heal and make lifestyle changes because we authentically want to move on and don’t want to feed the cycle anymore. We have to learn to feel satisified with less stimulation and to appreciate life without needing to constantly chase a high. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I addicted Where does addiction come from Why do I have addictions Why are they an addict Cravings Addictive personality #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #healingjourney #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #addiction
The Inner Work
1 years ago
The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of anxiety our self-esteem development has been stunted because of exposure to wounds of distrust. Whether from parents, friends, abuse, society, etc. we have been imprinted with a deep sense of fear of the unknown. If we don’t reconcile this subconscious imprint we become anxious in our life. The healing path for this person is to accept that while painful things can happen in this life, we must trust OURSELVES that we will keep ourselves safe and know what to do in each moment. This focuses our healing on our own discernment and respect for caution. With this trust of ourselves established we can move through the unknown and the possible dangers of the world knowing that we will be ok despite the possiblities of hurt. This then moves us up in our development to face our wound of inadequacy, or in other words our ability to develop skills and accept we may have to learn new things that we currently don’t know. This is a huge step in our self-esteem because instead of being stuck in fear, we are able to be face our fears and learn new skills to overcome them, rather than letting them overcome us. When we feel adequate in our abilities to navigate the unknowns of life, we get one huge step closer to confidence and peace of mind. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I anxious Where does anxiety come from Why do I have anxiety Why are they so anxious Fear of the unknown Anxious attachment #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #healingjourney #attachmentissues #attachmentstyle #mentalhealth #anxietytips #anxietydisorder #anxiety
The Inner Work
1 years ago
Me: Currently not dating, not thinking about dating, and emotionally unavailable. Also me: reading this book poolside, healing my inner child and giving myself the tools to be a healthy partner if I ever do decide to become emotionally available. 😂 But seriously this book is so good, wish i would have read it 10 years ago. #innerwork #innerchildhealing #singlemomlife #divorcedmom #singlelife #booktoker #selfhelpbooks
10 months ago
The ONE thing all millionaires and billionaires DO. 1️⃣ Follow @businesssapience for more "one thing" content! 1️⃣ Follow @businesssapience for more "one thing" content! 1️⃣ Follow @businesssapience for more "one thing" content! #BusinessMinded #EntrepreneurLife #WealthBuilding #MillionaireHabits #BillionaireMindset #SelfHelpBooks #ContinuousLearning #KnowledgeIsPower #FinancialSuccess #SuccessMindset #EntrepreneurialSpirit #WealthCreation #ReadingHabits #FinancialLiteracy #LearnAndEarn #SelfImprovement #BusinessInsights #WealthJourney #EntrepreneurGoals #ReadingList #PersonalGrowth #Bookworm #SuccessTips #EntrepreneurialLife #WealthyLife #BookRecommendations #ReadToSucceed #FinancialWisdom #MoneyMinds #SelfDevelopment #ExpandYourMind
Business Sapience
1 years ago
The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of anger, we have to reconcile that deep down we feel violated by life, God, society, an abuser, parents, etc. Wherever our original truama came from the psyche thinks the solution is to get aggressive/defensive and fight back. Now this is an incredible jump in self-esteem in comparison to previous wounds, because to get angry about being violated you had to have enough self-esteem to feel you deserved to be treated differently. This is why anger and fighting against oppressions is so intoxicating and feels heroic, because we think we’re taking our power back. However, from a higher perspective we’re still trapping ourselves into the cycle of violation and war. This is because the wound of violation’s solution to being violated is to violate others. It’s the energy of revenge and eye for an eye. This actually disempowers us long term by creating more enemies and a lifetime of war. The solution that leads to actual freedom and empowerment is to have pride in our composure and take positive action that inspires change through earning respect and cooperation, rather than domination. However, this is another huge step in self-esteem because it requires us to be able to still feel confident in ourselves and our abilities even when things don’t go as we expect. We have to be able to face our insecurities when things are violating and challenging or unfair. The only question is what am I going to do to overcome this and transcend it, rather than fight with it and wish it was different? Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I angry all the time Where does anger come from Why do I get angry Why are they so angry and frustrated Unmet expectations Anger management Anger issues #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #healingjourney #angerissues #angermanagement
The Inner Work
1 years ago
If you're looking for a good self help book to read, I do recommend reading this. It's helped me shift my mindset during my bad days, and as a psychiatric registered nurse, I do find these exercises, tools and information very helpful. I found this little gem on the #ttshop linked below if you'd like to give this book a try while they're available! #booktoker #nursingessentials #selfhelpbooks #healingjourney #selfdiscovery #booksoftiktok
🎀 Nurse Mental
6 months ago
I’m ready to share things with you about my sight loss journey that I never have before. Some things have just been too painful to chat about online so I decided to write them down. This is your guide to turning loss and grief into happiness!! If you are struggling right now, you are not alone and you never will be! Also, we are so close to my release date on the 28th of March. Myself and my publisher are hosting a competition for you to win a Canon R50 - the follow up to the G7X, the camera I used when I first started my social media channels! So to be in with a chance to win, preorder my book and head over to the link in my bio I hope whoever wins this camera finds their voice again with it, just like I did #MentalHealth #BlindNotBroken #SelfHelp #SelfHelpBooks #GriefJourney
British blind girl 👁🦮👩🦯
11 months ago
The Inner Work can help you understand, address, and heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of stubborness or pridefulness, we are actually overcompensating for a deeper insecurity and vulnerability that we refuse to acknowledge. The most common insecurity is that we don’t know everything, which the insecure human ego can’t handle. So to protect itself it acts like it knows everything and is always right. This is actually just a grand overcompensation for the insecurity getting masked. The psyche thinks by deluding itself to know everything maybe that will keep us safe. However it actually does the opposite because it sets us up for a fall. Inevtiably we will be wrong. The reason it sets us up is because we aren’t humble enough to be open minded. When we are close-minded we have blindspots. Thus its a recipe for a fall. Instead, what we need to do to have true self-esteem and confidence is to be able to be humble, accountable, accept our imperfections and vulnerabilties AND also still move forward anyway. True confidence is actually relaxed, calm, and flexible because it is able to recover from any setback it may face. Pride and stubbornness are arrogant and think they will never have a setback - which is completely unrealistic. This is why pride tends to be in extremes, either I am always right and superior, or when our vulnerability gets revealed we swing into shame and rejection and think I’m worhtless. Pride has no grace so whatsoever and is actually fragile. Get The Inner Work to learn more about the healing journey and how to reach your full potential of a life of true freedom and lasting happiness. Why am I so stubborn Where does stubborness come from Why do I argue to be right Why are they so stubborn Arguing who’s right Pride before the fall Arrogance Why are they so arrogant #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #innerchildwork #innerchild #booksthatchangedmylife #healingjourney #pridebeforethefall #stubbornness #communicationskills
The Inner Work
1 years ago
Read this book if you feel like it's taking you too long to move on ❤️🩹“This Is Me Letting You Go” by Heidi Priebe 🥹 It teaches how to love yourself, love orhers & even how to get over EX relationships #booktok #breakup #movingontobetterthings #lifelessons #thisismelettingyougo #lettinggo #heidipriebe #book #fyp #books #bookrecommendations #treasurefinds #falldealsforyou #love #selflove #selfhelpbooks #CapCut
5 months ago
The Inner Work can help you heal any and all human issues you may find yourself struggling with. In the case of abuse and traumas of rejection and shame, it crushes our self-esteem to a point where we don’t feel safe to process our reality, and feel we must be unloveable or else this shouldn’t have happened. With loving support a person can see that the shameful experiences they had to endure are not theirs to carry forever and does not define them negatively whatsoever. They actually need to move into judgment which is to see their abuser’s shame clearly and see their own innocence regardless of the pain they’ve had to endure. The most common tendency is to take our abuser’s shame and internalize it as our own. This then traps us as a victim and stunts our evolution because we mis-identify with the shame as ours and so therefore stop seeing ourselves accurately. This then tends to lead us to self-destructive choices and habits because we don’t think we are worthy of anything else or desevere anything better. All of which is not true and is a lie our subconscious accidently falls for as a side effect of trauma. To heal, we need to process the trauma and understand the shame we endured was a projection from the abuser and was never our own. We need to judge our trauma accurately and see the abuser’s shame as separate from their own identity. Get The Inner Work book to learn more about healing the wound of rejection along with any other truama or self-sabotaging behavior you may find yourself experiencing. Why do I have low self-esteem Why does abuse cause low self-esteem Psychology of abuse How to heal after abuse How do I rebuild self-esteem after abuse #innerwork #theinnerwork #theinnerworkbook #innerchildhealing #shadowwork #selfhelpbooks #traumahealing #booksthatchangedmylife #innerchildwork #innerchild #spiritualawakening #abuseawareness #traumahealing
The Inner Work
1 years ago
This short book will help you stop your negative thought patterns, overthinking, and high anxiety loops. ##tiktokshopcybermonday##falldealsforyou ##tiktokshopblackfriday##tiktokshopholidayhaul##giftideas##stockingstuffers##holidaysale##giftideasforher##blackfridaydeals##spotlightfinds##resultsmayvary ##WellnessJourney##healthyhabits##dontbelieveeverythingyouthink##selfhelpbooks##selfhelp##overthinking##overthinkers
3 months ago
This book will give you words of empathy that will empower you to embrace your journey and gives you feelings of comfort and clarity as you remove relationships, mindsets, and routines. Expect to receive: An understanding that revelation stands greater than reaction when seeking to better position yourself and others. Writings that inspire and encourage you to dig deeper within yourself and faith. A new appreciation of lessons learned and the confidence to apply them. and so much more! Get your copy of The Tears That Taught Me. Available in TikTok Shop NOW! #innerwork #booktok #spiritualbooks #selfhelpbooks #mentalhealth #booksthatchangedmylife #shadowwork #selfimprovement #inspirationalbook #selfhelp #motivation #poetry #breakup #smearcampaign #thingsiwishiknewsooner #mindsetmotivation #bookworm You don't hate people. That's your pain talking. You love people. You hate the fact that the genuine strength of your love has bes manipulated, mishandled, or misunderstood in the past which makes you fearful to love and trust to that extent now.
Morgan Richard Olivier Shop
1 years ago
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