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Introduction: This is a tiktok video published by staceyervinjr. The video has now received more than 372 likes, 11 comments and 11 shares. It is deeply loved by fans. The following is the specific data and similar videos. Address, you can complete the operation on this page by clicking play or bookmarking the video.
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Honestly, I’ve been looking for the words to say to & what to do to express my gratitude for your support as I’ve let this sink in for the past day, because I am blown away! All I can say is that I am thankful for the positive, supportive, & active community we’re building together! You are in the foundation of something special. Every time I share a post, I aim to educate, inspire, and/or share a smile, & I’m truly grateful for the ability to do so, knowing that it resonates with you & 1 MILLION likeminded people. Thank you, again, for being a part of my journey! You inspire me more than you know. I’m celebrating this milestone with you in mind, & I’m looking forward to where we’ll take this. We’re really just getting started. Stay positive. Lead with love. God is good. 😎🕊️🖤
10 months ago
Did you know that the only time supplements are a better option than food is directly after a workout? 💯 🧐 ✔️ Directly after exercise, your body is primed for using nutrients - you can hack this “anabolic window” by drinking a shake with quick digesting carbs & protein. When you eat a whole food meal of carbs & protein, your body has to breakdown the solid foods into a liquid form, breakdown that liquified food, & THEN extract the nutrients for your body to use. During that process, your body loses precious time for optimal nutrient absorption so you WILL NOT use the full protein content of that meal. Using my recommended post-workout shake significantly decreases the time from consumption to absorption, so your body can use the carbs to refuel energy, open your cells, & send protein directly to the muscles to help your body build lean muscle tissue & continue to BURN FAT following exercise. If you’re someone who hits the gym frequently, you always feel sore, & you feel like you’re not seeing the progress you should be seeing, THIS could be your missing piece. Put “WORKOUT” in the comment section below & I’ll DM you my favorite Post-Workout Shake so you can start getting better results from the work you’re already doing. 🤝 #Nutrition #Science #Training #Tips #iAm1stPhorm #MuscleBuilding #FatBurning #Recovery
10 months ago
Two lessons my growth & transformation have taught me: 1. Great foundations are required for great results. 2. Great results require great amounts of time, energy, & personal effort. Growing up in competitive gymnastics, I drilled literally THOUSANDS of hours focusing on form, flexibility, technique, & proper movement to be able to move my body through the difficult skills required to be a high-level competitor. I remember going to practice, day in & day out, repeating the same drills, movements, & fundamentals necessary to build high level skills. As a kid, the repetition was annoying! “Can we do something different?” “Why won’t you let me try THIS skill yet?” “Do we really have to do this AGAIN?” These were common questions I would ask my coach, to which he would respond, “we have to master the drills if we want to master the skills.” I didn’t understand then, but I certainly understand now, bc without focusing on the small things, the large things could be disastrous, or even downright impossible. So, I drilled the basics, & focused on form. Repeating the skills & movements until they became second nature. This took HOURS, SWEAT, BLOOD, & TEARS… But it was worth it, bc it made me stronger, more athletic, better built, & raised my understanding & standard… Simply put, the repetition & work produced RESULTS! *(i even made the US Developmental Gymnastics National Team at age 12)* I’m blessed to have been trained in the sport of gymnastics bc it established a great foundation of movement, physique, & mind-body connection & taught me these valuable lessons. That’s why I share what I’ve learned with you, bc the lesson’s only value is in being passed on. So, yes! YOU can make a great changes in your life & body, but YOU have to get connected with someone who will help you while you stay dedicated to the goal. Focus on the details. Do the work. Stay disciplined. Great results will follow. 🫡
10 months ago
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